Northwood College 北伍德中學,北伍德學院 Maxwell Road, Northwood, Middlesex HA6 2YE
Tel: 01923 825446
• GIRLS, 3–18, Day
• Pupils 770, Upper sixth 50
• Termly fees £1680–£3019
• Enquiries/application to the Admissions Secretary
What it’s like
Founded in 1878, it is a single-site on the outskirts of London. The college
consists of the original main building (1892) and several modern buildings
erected during the last 25 years. These provide good, up-to-date facilities in a
pleasant environment including a fully-equipped science block, indoor swimming
pool and sports hall. A new performing arts centre provides a drama studio,
recital hall, recording studio and music rooms. Academic standards and
examination results are very good. Girls have much opportunity to participate in
music and drama. There is a good range of sports and games, a wide variety of
clubs and activities and some commitment to local community schemes; the Duke of
Edinburgh’s Award Scheme is available.
School profile
Pupils & entrance
Pupils: Total age range 3–18; 770 day girls. Senior department
11–18, 470 girls.
Entrance: Main entry ages 3, 4, 7, 11 and 16. North London Consortium
exam at 11+; own exam at other ages. For sixth-form entry, 5 GCSEs at least
grade C (grade A advisable in sixth-form subjects). No special skills or
religious requirements. State school entry, 35% senior intake.
Scholarships, bursaries & extras 9–11 pa scholarships: 3 at 11 (2
academic, 1 music); 6–8 sixth-form. Occasional bursaries according to need.
Parents not expected to buy textbooks; £250 maximum extras.
Head & staff
Head Mistress: Mrs Ruth Mercer, appointed 2002. Educated at Penwortham
Girls’ Grammar School, and at the universities of London (Bedford College) and
Oxford. Previously Deputy Head at Godolphin & Latymer.
Teaching staff: 64 full time, 21 part time. Annual turnover 7%. Average
age 43.
Exam results
GCSE: In 2003, 71 pupils in Year 11, 100% gained at least grade C in 8+
subjects. Average GCSE score 64 (62 over 5 years).
A-levels: 58 in upper sixth: 99% passed in 3+ subjects. Average final
point score achieved by upper sixth formers 372.
University & college entrance Almost all sixth-form leavers go on to
a degree course (15% after a gap year). 17% take courses in medicine, dentistry
& veterinary science, 13% in science & engineering, 14% in law, 17% in
humanities & social sciences, 8% in art & design, 31% in other vocational
subjects eg education, 10% in eg drama, music and English.
Curriculum GCSE, and AS and A-levels. 28 GCSE subjects, 28
Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 4 subjects at AS-level, 3 at A-level;
general studies not taken. 16% take science and maths A-levels; 44% arts and
humanities; 44% combinations. Key skills ICT compulsory, taught as a discrete
Languages: French compulsory from age 7; second language (German or
Spanish) compulsory at 11; all offered at GCSE and A-level. Regular exchanges
(France and Germany). Sixth form attend language courses in France.
ICT: Taught both across the curriculum and as a discrete subject (1
lesson a week Years 7–9; 2 in Year 12). 120 networked computers (7 hours a day),
all with email and internet access. All Year 12 pupils take key skills level 3
in IT. GCSE and A-level ICT offered.
The arts
Music: Over 40% of pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams
can be taken. Musical groups include 2 orchestras, 3 choirs, concert band,
chamber ensembles.
Drama & dance: Both offered as part of the curriculum, ballet as an
extra. GCSE and A-level drama, ESB and Central exams may be taken. Majority of
pupils are involved in school productions. Recent productions of Daisy Pulls It
Off and Pride & Prejudice.
Art & design: On average, 25 take GCSE, 12 A-level. Design technology,
textiles, graphic design also offered.
Sport & activities
Sport: Rounders, hockey, netball, dance, swimming, gymnastics, tennis
compulsory at various ages. Optional: volleyball, badminton, judo, trampolining.
County and borough representatives at hockey, netball, swimming and rounders;
borough team winners at hockey, netball and rounders; county hockey and netball
tournament entrants. GCSE and A-level offered.
Activities: Pupils participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.
Community service optional. Clubs include debating, science, maths, music, art,
drama, sports, languages.
School life
Uniform: School uniform worn except in the sixth form.
Houses & prefects: Competitive houses. Prefects, head girl, heads of
houses, nominated by senior pupils and staff and appointed by Head Mistress.
Religion: Assembly for all.
Social: Joint productions, charity events, conferences with local
independent boys’ schools. Organised trips have included classical tours, ski
trips, art tours, choir tour in France, hockey and netball course, geography and
biology field trips and modern language trips. Pupils allowed to bring own
car/bike to school. Meals self-service. No tobacco or alcohol allowed.
Discipline Those caught using drugs on the premises could expect
Former pupil Dame Margaret Booth (Judge).